Dec 27, 2009

Boys like girls

are coming to singapore and i'm going[yay!!!]......The thing i disagree with boys like girls is the music video for two is better than one,with features taylor swift and she is not in the music video,how is it fair?

I find that i spend a lot of time blogging and i might not have the time next year to blog in the next year,i hope i can.

It's been a while since i went out with the prettiest lady in the whole wide world,my mom.When i go out with her,no accessories,no long sleeves,no ties.We went to ang mo kio,at least not the town again,so i was happy about the trip.

We walked and walked and window-shopped,til we forgot the time.She didn't really care about the time.

Tomorrow,i'm going to school to be checked by mr chui,i'm betting that he will say that my hair is too long,the rest seems acceptable.

i'm really considering a tattoo,wonder how i'd look?cough*comment*cough

I'm seeing 13's and 31,which when reversed,it is 13,so it still counts

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